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Animals in Action

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______, _______, ______ like a turtle.
Paddle, paddle, paddle like a turtle.
_______, _______, _______ like an eagle.
Fly, fly, fly like an eagle.
_______, _______, _______ like a gorilla.
Pump, pump, pump like a gorilla.
_______, _______, _______ like a duck.
Waddle, waddle, waddle like a duck.
______, _______, _________ like a squirrel.
Climb, climb, climb like a squirrel.
______, ________, _______ like an elephant.
Stomp, stomp, stomp like an elephant.
______, _______, ________ like a monkey.
Swing, swing, swing like a monkey.
_____, ______, ______ like a cheetah.
Run, run, run like a cheetah
What animal is this?
It's a dolphin.
What animal is this?
It's an elephant.
What animal is this?
It's a gorilla.
What animal is this?
It's a duck.
What animal is this?
It's a squirrel.
What animal is this?
It's a crocodile.
What animal is this?
It's a snake.
What animal is this?
It's a turtle.
What animal is this?
It's an eagle.
What animal is this?
It's a monkey.
What animal is this?
It's a cheetah.