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War Horse Play - Act 1 Scenes 1-10 questions

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“And the snow falls..." pg 20 The cycles of life – life and death and season to season. How does this relate to what is happening in scene 5?
“And the snow falls, the wind calls, and the year turns round again – and like Barelycorn who rose from the grave – a new year will rise up again.” Identify the figure of speech in the above extract. What two things are being compared?
2. Scene 4 is labelled as the “Trust Scene”. Describe how trust is built between the two characters – Joey and Albert.
1. Scenes 2-4 of the play reveal the characters of Rose, Albert, Ted and Joey in more detail. For each of these characters write a brief description of his/her personality from what we know so far.
4. How do you think the audience views Ted after scene 2? What are some characteristics you would associate with Ted?
Explain the relationship between Ted Narracot and Arthur
“Fading away like stars in the morning, losing their light in the glorious sun, thus shall we pass from this earth and its tolling, only remembered for what we have done” 1. Identify the figure of speech in the extract above.
Pg 9 “Baby Joey emerges. He calls out. He feeds himself. He investigates his vicinity. Everything is new. We get to know him.” What characteristics do you think the director would want us to know about Joey and how would we learn about them
pg 9: “Baby Joey emerges. He calls out. He feeds himself. He investigates his vicinity. Everything is new. We get to know him.” 1. Why do you think the director begins the play by showing the audience Joey as a baby horse?