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Twelfth Night

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Malvolio's job for Olivia?
What is Viola's job for Orsino
What illness is Orsino suffering from?
Who is Olivia's Uncle?
Sir Toby Belch
What does Olivia think about the yellow pants?
She thinks Malvolio is crazy
Who gest married at the end?
Sebastian/Olivia Viola/Orsino
Where does Malvolio go at the end of the story?
jail (asylum)
How does Viol find Sebastian?
The sailor that saves her from Andrew bring her to Sebastian
How does Sir Andrew trick Malvolio?
tells him to wear yellow tights to show his love to Olivia
After the ship crashes, where does Viola end up?
What does Orsino give Viola to give to Olivia?
a brooch
What does Malvolio deliver to Viola?
A ring with two hand holding a heart
Describe the love triangle in the play.
Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia, Olivia loves Cesario
Who is Viola's brother?
What is Viola's boy name?