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Level 5 Trials

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read it: "One more request, Mom" id Anthony. Then Anthony spoke to his mom about his goldfish. He gave his mom a step-by-step list on how to tidy his fish tank so it would not get so nasty.
Did you decode it correctly?
Read it: Before the kids left, Molly told her mom how to take care of her bunny, Banjo. She made sure to tell her mom to pat Banjo on his belly and behind his neck to get him to relax.
Did you decode it correctly?
Read it: Molly & her brother Anthony were planning to take a trip to Atlanta to visit their grandpa. Their parents could not go because they had important work to do.
Did you decode it correctly?
Make a sentence: AMAZE
Does it make sense? Is everyting spelled correctly?
Make a sentence: Use the word "fry"
Does it make sense? Is everything spelled correctly?
Make a sentence: use the word "cozy"
Does it make sense? Is everything spelled corectly?
Decode: pregame
Decode: volcano
What is a closed syllable?
Syllable that has only one vowel, vowel is followed by one or more consonants, the vowel sound is short, can be combined to make longer words.
Sounds- All the ways to make the /s/ sounds
s, c,
Sounds- All the ways to make the "w" sound
w, wh
Sounds: How can you make the long /e/ sound?
e, e-e, y, ee, ey, ie, ei, ea
Sounds: How can you make the long a sound?
a, a-e, ai. ay, eigh, ei, ea
Decode: heart
Decode: thought
Decode: Several