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Impact of Anger on Body, Mind and Behaviours

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I'm angry, I might do this...
what are the things that you do when you are angry
When I'm angry, my body feels...
what goes on with your body when you are angry
When I'm angry, I think about...
what goes on in your mind when you are angry?
Thinking, "I can't do this"
Saying mean things
Tense muscles
What kinds of things do you do when you are angry
Remember: things you do = behaviours
How does your body feel when you're angry?
Remember: sensations/things that your body does that you can't control = body
What's a thought that you have when you are angry?
Remember: if you are thinking but NOT doing it = mind
Tell me something you think about when you are angry
Remember: if you are thinking but NOT doing it = mind
How does your body feel when you're angry?
Remember: sensations/things that your body does that you can't control = body
Tell me something you might do if you are angry
Remember: things you do = behaviours
Thinking about being angry
Hurting someone
Heart beats faster
Thinking about hurting someone
Sweating a lot
Face turns red