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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is John usually nervous?
No, he isn’t. He is seldom nervous.
What does John always do?
He always swims.
Does John always cry?
No, he doesn’t. He sometimes cries.
in the morning. / Tim / make the bed / seldom
Tim seldom makes the bed in the morning.
My sister and I _____ fly a kite on Sundays. (A) does (B) often (C) go
(B) often
He always _____ to the countryside by train. (A) goes (B) go (C) is
(A) goes
my friends. / I / go to the park / often / with
I often go to the park with my friends.
A:____ Ben always lazy? B: No, he isn't. (A) Is (B) Am (C)Are
(A) Is
_____ are never angry. (A) Lisa (B) James (C)Lisa and James
(C)Lisa and James
often / help other people. / Wayne
Wayne often helps other people.
is / sometimes / busy. / Alan
Alan is sometimes busy.
seldom / Alice / cry.
Alice seldom cries.
always / wash the dishes / Vicky / after dinner.
Vicky always washes the dishes after dinner.
My mother cooks every day. She_____cooks dinner. (A) seldom (B)never (C) always
(C) always
I ______ go to the bookstore with my dad.
I'm _________ busy.