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Stranger Things Vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Joyce's HYPOTHESIS is that Will is trying to communicate with her through the flashing Christmas lights. When she tests this, she is correct.
a guess or explanation of something based on limited evidence
The monsters on the show are FEROCIOUS when they fight.
fierce, cruel, violent
The show is very SUSPENSEFUL and I feel nervous during the episodes.
thrilling, causing feelings of excitement or nervousness because you don't know what will happen
It will be a CATASTROPHE if the bad guys succeed in taking over the town of Hawkins.
Horrible situation, disaster
Steve CONSTRUCTS a baseball bat of nails to fight off the demogorgons.
builds, makes
The kids at school TAUNT Eleven for being different
tease, make fun of
We ILLUMINATED the upside down when we turned on the flashlight.
light up, shined light on
Hopper becomes Eleven's GUARDIAN on the show and takes care of her.
parental figure, caretaker
Some people think Stranger Things is ABSURD because it has monsters and other universes, but I think it's a realistic show in many ways.
Ridiculous, crazy, silly
The demogorgon is an ANTAGONIST to Eleven and her friends, who must fight this creature.
An enemy, someone who is working against someone