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Smart 1B Review (Unit 9)
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: ____________________ tickets for the game? (where/I/ buy)
Where can I buy tickets for the game?
Complete: ____________________ on a city tour on Monday mornings? (they/ go)
Can they go on a city tour on Monday mornings?
Complete: ____________________ to the museum on weekends? (I/ go)
Can I go to the museum on weekends?
Complete: ____________________ to Central Park? (how/ she/ get)
How can she get to Central Park?
Complete: ____________________ there by train? (we/ get)
Can we get there by train?
Compelte: How ____________________ to the cathedral? (we/ get)
How can I get to the cathedral?
Complete: Where ____________________ in Taipei? (I/ go)
Where can I go in Taipei?
Put the sentence in order: a/ buy/ can/ where/ sandwitch/ I ?
Where can I buy a sandwitch?
Put the sentence in order: Salvador/ go/ where/ I/ can/ in ?
Where can I go in Salvador?
Put the sentence in order: water/ drink/ can/ some/ please/ I ?
Can I drink some water please?
Put the sentence in order: book/ read/ you/ in/ can/ day/ a/ one ?
Can you read a book in one day?
Put the sentence in order: cook/ you/ can ?
Can you cook?
Answer about your city: Where can I go to have fun on a Saturday night?
Ex.: You can go to a bar
Answer about your city: Where can I go on the weekends to relax?
Ex.: You can go to the park on the weekends.
Answer about your city: Where can I find good Japanese food?
Ex.: You can find good Japanese food in Harmony restaurant.
Answer about your city: Where can I go to buy nice clothes?
Ex.: You can go downtown
What is this?
A statue
What place is this?
A museum
What place is this?
A market
What place is this?
A zoo
What place is this?
A park
What place is this?
A cathedral
What place is this?
A mosque
What place is this?
A bridge