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Medieval Europe
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What was a Motte & Bailey Castle
Built on a mound of earth with a large circular enclosure
What were 'trials by ordeal'?
All of the above
Hand plunged into boiling water
Grasping a red-hot iron
Being thrown into a pool of water
A knight was the eldest son of the family. True or False
False. Knights were younger siblings.
What is the name of a knight's two attendants?
Page and Squire
What was a knight's most important weapon?
His sword.
What is a 'moat'?
A large trench dug around a castle that is full of water.
A large mound of dirt that a castle is built on.
A small animal used to dig into castles.
A large door that is lowered to keep people out.
What was the name of the giant throwing machines in medieval times?
Situation where an army who block people from getting in or out of a castle is a.....?
Who were the knights who founded the Hospital of St John?
Knights Hospitaller
Knights who were dedicated to protecting the Holy Land?
Knights Templar
What is treason?
Betraying ones country or King/Queen
Name two types of punishment from medieval times.
thumbscrews; the rack; water torture;pillory; stocks, trial by ordeal
What were Spanish Muslims known as?
By 900 AD, what was the common culture of the Mediterranean world?
Western Europe (Christendom); Byzantine East; the Levant
Eastern Europe; Africa; the Middle East
Russia; Australia; USA
Engliand; Scotland; Ireland
What was the name of a place where nuns lived and worked?
Nunnery or Convent
What was the name of a place where monks lived and worked?
What was the name of a journey people went on to visit holy sites?
What was the main reason people traveled in medieval times?
To visit holy sites, for example Jerusalem, the birth site of Jesis
Who ran hospitals in medieval times?
Usually by religious orders
Who paid for hospitals in medieval times?
The wealthy
What reason did medieval people think epidemics (eg. plague) were sent?
They thought they were punishment from God
Did peasants eat meat?
No, only the wealthy ate meat
What foods did medieval people eeat?
bread, pies, pasties, butter, cheese, eggs, milk - fruit and vegetables they grew
What were medieval peasant houses generally made of?
Single room dwelling made of wood with a turf roof
What were houses of the wealthy, manor houses, generally made of?
Built out of stone
Why did towns become important in medieval times?
They became centres of manufacturing
What was the system of field rotation in medieval farming called?
Three-field farming
What was the biggest cause of death for women?
Giving birth
What was the mortality rate for medieval children?
Half of all children died before they reached the age of 7
What was the social hierarchy in medieval times?
King; (Archbishop); Nobels (Dukes & Barons); Knights; peasants
What was the plague that decimated populations called?
The Black Death
In the 'Dark Ages', what was the form of payment for goods called?
Barter system
When was the medieval period?
Approximate 476 AD to 1500 AD
Which Church was very powerful and displayed dominance during medieval times?
Catholic Church
Over a two hundred year period, how many Crusades were launched?
Eleven (11)
What was the other name for the Crusades
The Holy Wars