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6th grade - Math Review - Multiplication of frac ...

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TRUE OR FALSE: We must multiply the numerator of the first fraction with the denominator of the second fraction if we want to multiply fractions.
TRUE OR FALSE: 2/27 x 1/4 = 1/54
TRUE OR FALSE: 6/10 x 8/9 = 48/90
TRUE OR FALSE: To multiply fractions, we must multiply the numerators and the denominators
TRUE OR FALSE: To multiply fractions, we must flip the second fraction and keep the first.
MULTIPLY: 3/3 and 7/35
MULTIPLY: 9/20 and 8/14
72/280 or 9/35
MULTIPLY: 30/60 and 10/20
300/1200 or 1/4
MULTIPLY: 7/10 and 5/6
35/60 or 7/12
MULTIPLY: 1/2 and 3/4