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A type of literature which primarily seeks to entertain a large number of people.
Popular Literature
What emerging literary genre is portrayed in the image?
Lucid Fiction
What emerging literary genre is portrayed in the image?
What emerging literary genre is portrayed in the image?
What emerging literary genre is portrayed in the image?
El Filibusterismo is a type of what Fiction?
Who wrote Picture Perfect?
Jodi Picould
Who is the author of Princess Academy?
Shannon Hale
What are the six key elements of Fiction?
Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Point of View, and Theme
To combine or paste together is also called __________.
What is the complete name of our class adviser and professor in this course?
Elma Bautista Siyang
Private experiences with feelings about death, trauma, and relationships were addressed in this type of poetry. It is often in an autobiographical manner.
Confessional Poetry
Decode the meaning of the following visuals.
All Summer in a Day