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Astronomical and Geographical Location of Indone ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you mention 3 mountains in Indonesia?
Bromo, Semeru, Tangkuban Perahu, Jayawijaya, Kerinci, etc.
What is lake?
A basin filled with water and surrounded by land
As an agrarian country, Indonesia can use the land for ...
agriculture, planting, gardening, farming
As a maritime country, Indonesia can use water territory for ...
Fishing, salt farming, seaweed farming, shipping, transportation, harbor, trading
Can you mention 3 time zones in Indonesia?
Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB), Waktu Indonesia Tengah (WITA), Waktu Indonesia Timur (WIT)
There are …….. seasons in Indonesia; ……….. season and ……….. season.
There are 2 seasons in Indonesia; dry season and rainy season.
Indonesia has a ……… climate.
What is in the West of Indonesia?
Asian Continent and Indian Ocean
What is in the East of Indonesia?
Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Ocean.
What is in the South of Indonesia? (mention 1)
Indian Ocean, East Timor and Australia
What is in the North of Indonesia? (mention 3)
Singapore, South China Sea, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean.
Indonesia is located in ..... continent
Indonesia is located between 2 oceans; ...... and .......
Hindia/Indian and Pacific
Indonesia is located between 2 continents; ...... and ......
Asia and Australia
What's the difference between astronomical and geographical location?
Astronomical: location of an area relates its location on a map. Geographic: location of an area in accordance with reality on the surface of the earth
6 ° N(LU) - 11 ° South(LS) and 95 ° East(BT) - 141 ° East(BT) is the ..... location of Indonesia
What's the difference between latitude and longitude?
Latitude is horizontal line. Longitude is vertical line.