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Final game - Week 8 - Ad

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you drink for breakfast?
I drink ________ for breakfast / I don't drink _______ for breakfast
Describe chorrillana (rice, meat, chicken, vegetables, eggs, cake, bread, etc)
It has fries, eggs, meat and chicken
What food do you like?
I _(like/love/don't like)__ cake-rice-chorrillana-tacos-juice-etc.
What's Easter Island like?
Easter Island is ______________(tall, traditional, big, small, modern, etc)
What's your name?
My name is _______________
Describe Tacos (cheese, vegetables, cake, rice, chicken, etc)
Tacos have rice, meat, cheese and vegetables
What's the bicycle like?
The bicycle is ______________ (comfortable, slow, cheap, expensive, fast, etc...)
What's the train like?
The train is _______________ (comfortable, fast, slow, crowded, etc)
Where do you like going?
I love/like/don't like going to the __________
Where do you live?
I live in _____________
What are the pyramids like?
The Pyramids are ______________ (Tall, ancient, etc)
What's the Eiffel Tower like?
The Eiffel Tower is __________________ (tall, big, beautiful)
Does she drink milk for breakfast?
No, she doesn't.
What food do you like?
I _(like/love/don't like)__ cake-rice-chorrillana-tacos-juice-etc.
Does he eat bread at tea time?
No, he isn't. He eats cake and drinks juice.
Does she eat cake for dinner?
No, she doesn't.
What do you eat for lunch?
I eat ________ for lunch / I don't eat __________ for lunch