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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A short holiday just Saturday and Sunday …
away for the weekend
You need to book this to ensure you can travel on transport to reach your destination ...
If you travel to your holiday destination by train you leave from and arrive here ...
train station
If you travel by plane you leave from and arrive here ...
This is a wonderful activity to do in the sea or pool, it's fun and good exercise too ...
You use these to protect your eyes from strong sunlight ...
You need to pack this so that you can take all the things you need for your holiday ….
You need this identity document to be able to leave and enter a country...
What's the activity?
What day is this?
Father's day - Third Sunday of June
What day is this?
Mother's day - Second Sunday of May
What holiday is this?
San Patrick's day - March 17
It's a book about interesting places in the city
We need it to take photos
We need it to find the way
When is the American Independence Day?
July 4
When is the day of the Death?
The holiday, which is celebrated mostly in Mexico on November 1 and 2, is like a family reunion—except dead ancestors are the guests of honor.
What holiday is this?
Tet holiday
Name 3 objects that symbolize Christmas.
Example: Christmas trees, Santa Claus, reindeer, laurel wreath, bells, candy canes, gifts and socks
What day is this?
April Fool's Day - April 01
What holiday is this?
The activity of visiting interesting places, especially on holiday:
go sightseeing
A type of holiday you go on after you get married.
What day is this?
Valentine's Day - February 14
What holiday is this?
What holiday is this?
Christmas - December 25
In which holiday do you get free candy?
Halloween - October 31