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Starter 1 - first class

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the name of Ana Beatriz and Mari's group?
What's the name of Jordana and Lo's group?
Who is Yoná's favorite singer?
Who is Ana Luiza's favorite singer?
Ask someone if they have a sister
Do you have a sister?
Ask someone if they have a best friend. Ask if the best friend likes orange juice.
Do you have a best friend? Does he/she like orange juice?
Ask someone if they like vegetables
Do you like vegetables?
Ask someone what's their favorite food
What's your favorite food?
Which people do we usually have in our extended family?
cousins, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, niece, nephew
Which people do we usually have in our immediate family?
mother, father, sliblings, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife
Describe three things in the classroom with prepositions of place
Ask the secretary what's her favorite animal
Ask the other group what's their favorite book (What's your favorite book?)
Guess the teacher's favorite type of music
Do you remember the prepositions of place?
Ask the other group what is their favorite movie genre (What is your favorite movie genre?)
Ask the other group what is their favorite type of music (What is your favorite type of music?)
Say three movies that you know
Say three bands that you know
Do 10 jumping jacks
Ask the secretary what's her favorite band (What is your favorite band?)