Edit Game
Unit 1 and 2 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which one is less colorful?
The black bird is less colorful.
Which one is more expensive?
The newer car is more expensive.
Which one is more graceful?
The ballerina is more graceful.
Which one is more delicious?
The dessert is more delicious.
What animal has the longest neck?
The giraffe has the longest neck.
What is the biggest ocean animal?
The whale is the biggest ocean animal.
What is the biggest land animal?
The elephant is the biggest land animal.
Which animal is the fastest?
The cheetah is the fastest animal.
Which one is faster: a bike or a car?
A car is faster.
Which one is larger: an elephant or a kitten?
An elephant is larger than a kitten.
Is a squirrel as small as a skunk?
Yes, a squirrel is as small as a skunk.
Is a cheetah as fast as a wolf?
No, a cheetah is faster than a wolf.
Which is bigger: a skunk or a rhino?
A rhino is bigger than a skunk.
Which animal is faster: a zebra or a giraffe?
A zebra is faster.
How much fruit is there?
There is a little fruit.
How much water is there?
There is a lot of water.
How much pie is there?
There is a little pie.
How much cheese is there?
There is a lot of cheese.
How much lemonade is there?
There is a little lemonade.
How much pudding is there?
There is a lot of pudding.
How many nuts are there?
There are a few nuts.
How many cupcakes are there?
There are a lot of cupcakes
How many blueberries are there?
There are a few blueberries.
How many cherries are there?
There are a lot of cherries.