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Looking after plants
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the different life stages of hen
1. Egg , 2. Chick, 3. Adult (hen or rooster)
Name the different life stages of Frog
1. Eggs , 2. Tadpole , 3. Froglet , 4. Adult Frog
Name the different life stages of butterfly
1. Eggs , 2. Caterpillar (Larva), 3. Pupa (chrysallis) , 4. Butterfly
_______ helps us to fight infection and protect us from diseases.
Which life stage are your grand parents in right now?
Which life stage are you in right now?
Plants grow more quickly when the temperature is _________
Plants releases or gives out _____ in the air.
Plant takes in ______ from the air
Carbon di oxide
Name the process in which plants make their own food.
The part of the plant that grow below the ground is called -______
The parts of the plant that are above the ground is known as ____
Name the Icy desert on the Earth
Rain forest is also known as the _______
Earth's Lungs
The hottest, driest place on Earth
Death Valley
A plant with rust leaves is healthy or unhealthy?
How does water and light help the plant?
Water and light both help the plant to make food.
Plants need sunlight and ________ grow
Which part of the plant helps to make seeds?
When will a plant not grow well?
A plant with unhealthy roots, stems and leaves will not grow well.
How will you know a plant is healthy?
Healthy plants have healthy roots, a stem and leaves.
Which part of the plant transport water around the plant?
Which part of the plant support the plant and collect water from the soil?
Which part of the plant helps the plant to make it's food?