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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The phone bill is enormous. How many times ____________ (call) your boyfriend in Australia?
have you called
Don't bother knocking at the door. They _____________ . (move)
have moved
Rose __________ (not do) her homework, so she can't go out.
hasn't done
We ___________ (know) Dave and Julia for years.
have known
I _____always ______ (want) to go to Australia, and now my dream will finally come true. I ____ just _______ (buy) the tickets!
‘ve always wanted / ‘ve just bought
I _____________ the report, but I think I won't be able to finish it on time.
've been writing
I _____________ her four or five times, but her phone seems to be off.
've called
I ______ you all afternoon. Are you OK?
've been calling
________ever ______ a book by Charles Dickens?
Have you ever read
Why are your shoes so dirty? __________ football in the mud?
Have you been playing
I can see you ___________ (redecorate) your room. It looks great!
have redecorated
I'm so tired. I _________ (work) for 10 hours.
've been working
I __________ (look) for my keys since yesterday, but I ___________ (find) them.
've been looking / haven't found
I hope I'll pass the test, I ___________ (work) very hard all week.
've been working