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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Arrange the numbers in increasing order: 23 473, 23 437, 23 374
23 374, 23 437, 23 473
In 45 983, the value of digit 4 and 8 are ..... and .....
40 000 and 80
Round 3997 into the nearest tens.
Round 19 673 into the nearest thousands.
20 000
Round 12 393 into the nearest hundreds.
12 400
Round 346 into the nearest tens.
What is thirty thousand and five in numeral?
30 005
Which number is the smallest? 9763, 12 439, 12 000
In 35 760, the digit 3 stands for.....
3 ten thousand
In 40 923, the value of digit 9 is ....
Which is the greatest number? 12 309, 12 390, 12 039
12 390