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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you go to school ? What time do you usually get to school ?
I go to school by ________. I usually get to school at _________
Which room is your favourite ? Why ?
bedroom (because stay in bed)
Can you play an in strument ?What instrument do you want to learn ?
guitar/piano/violin/ drums/ recorder/ trumpet/ flute
Which clothes do you wearing most ?
I like my black T-shirt and jeans best.
What sport do you like best ? How often do you play it ?
My favourite sport is _______/ I like _______ best.
Where do you like going with your friend a lot? Why?
go to the cinema/ supermarket/ park
What game do you like most ? What happens in the game ?
name of the game 
Do you like texting your friends ? What are you and your friend talking about ?
schoolmates, the newest app/ phone, famous footbal player/ homework
How often do you draw or paint a picture ?
adverb of frequency/ once a month, twice a week
What are your hobbies ?
I like to ______/ I'm into/ I'm crazy about/ I'm mad about/ I like/ I love
Do you ever make a video ? When did you do that ?
on my 10th birthday/ last year