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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is the matter?
i have a ...
what is the matter ?
i have a ...
where is he going to go?
he is going to go to the ...
what is he doing to do?
he is going to ...
where did she go ?
she went ...
where did he go?
he went ...
where did you go?
I went ...
what did she do on monday?
she ... on monday
what did he do on friday?
he ... on friday
what did you do on sunday?
ihe doon... on sunday
who are you looking for?
im looking for my...
what does your cousin look like?
he has ...
what does navid 's friend look like?
he has ...
which one is your uncle ?
he is the one in ...
what is he going to do?
he is going to ...
what are they going to do?
they are going to ...
what is she going to do?
he is going to ...
is he going to listen to music?
yes he is
Are you going to read a novel tonight?
no im not
when are you going to go climbing a mountain?
im going to go backpacking...
when is he going to go backpacking?
he is going to go backpacking ...
where are you going to go?
im going to go to the...
where are they going to do?
they are going to...
where is he going to do?
he is going to ...