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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A:What does Bob ____ every afternoon? B: He plays the violin every afternoon.
He _____ the Net every evening.
My grandfather _____ a snack every afternoon.
the / morning / ? / you / Do / every / newspaper / read
Do you read the newspaper every morning?
your / Does / her / day / mother / ? / keep / diary / every /
Does your mother keep her diary every day?
does / He / his / afternoon / every / homework / . /
He does his homework every afternoon.
What _____ your grandpa do every morning?
He watches TV every morning.
What do they do every evening?
They exercise every evening.
What does he do every afternoon?
He takes a nap every afternoon.
What ____ you do evey morning?
Does she ____ a snack every afternoon?
_____ do they do every day?
What ______ your sister do every morning?
What does your grandmom do every afternoon?
She reads the newspaper every afternoon.
What do they do every morning?
They walk the dog every morning.
What does your sister do every afternoon ?
She keeps her diary every afternoon.
What does your dad do every evening?
He cooks dinnder every evening.
What do you do every morning?
I play the piano every morning.