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Unit 3 - We have to reduce trash!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The life cycle of plastic is _________.
The gr_at p_ci_ic ga_ba_e p_t_h is twi_e the si_e of T_x_s, USA.
The great pacific garbage patch is twice the size of Texas, USA.
Thailand has a ban on single-use plastic bags. Are bags allowed or not allowed?
Not allowed.
Annually means something that happens one time per year/ more than one time per year.
one time per year.
What is something that is good for the environment? e_o fr_e_d_y
eco friendly
Something that can go away naturally is b_o_e_r_d_b_e.
What do you see in the photo? s_n_l_-_s_ p_a_t_c.
single-use plastic
what are other words for trash?
waste, rubbish, debris, garbage
73 percent of the l_t_e_ found on the world's beaches is plastic.
Most of the things we buy come in p_a_t_c pa_k_g_n_. It's everywhere!
plastic packaging
Carry a ref_ll_bl_e water bottle with you to reduce plastic waste.
Stop using plastic bags. Bring your own r_u_a_l_ ones to the store instead.
Everything around us is a part of the e_v_r_m_n_.
You can think of ways to r_u_e plastic items like bottles and food containers. You can turn them into useful things like flower pots or containers for pens.
Have you heard of r_u_a_l_ straws? You can use them again to drink milo with.
Supermarkets should try to r_d_c_ the amount of plastic items they produce.
People use p_a_t_c bags at the supermarket when they should be bringing their own paper or cloth bags with them.
Put the plastic items that you want to r_c_c_e into that green bin outside.
True or False: Biodegradable plastic is bad for the environment.
True or False: Plastic bags are good for the environment.
What can we do to protect the environment?
Stop using plastic bags, avoid plastic packaging, recycle what you can, don't litter, etc.
to use something again or more than once
a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects
Vocabulary - convert waste into reusable material is to (verb)
What is this?
The main problem with plastic is that it is poisonous/doesn't go away.
doesn't go away