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302 485 = 300 000 + 2000 + 400 + ...... + 5
In 23 756, the digit 5 stands for ..........
5 tens
456 321 = 4 hundred thousand + 5 ten thousands + .... thousands + ..... hundreds + 2 tens + 1 ones
6 thousands + 3 hundreds
700 894 = ........... + 894
700 000
Which number have the value of 50 000 in digit 5? 350 046 or 35 046
350 046
Which number have the greatest value in digit 4? 24 890, 240 890 or 2 890 400
240 890
What is 3 040 987 in words?
three million, forty thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven
What is one hundred thousands and fifteen in numeral?
100 015
What is 347 902 in words?
three hundred and forty-seven thousand, nine hundred and two.
what is two million, one thousand and fifty in numeral?
2 001 050