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Human & Animal Migration

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do some animals migrate?
answers vary
What are some environmental factors of migration?
answers vary
What are some political factors of migration?
answers vary
What are some economic factors of migration?
answers vary
What is the difference between an emigrant and an immigrant?
Emigrant is someone who decides to leave, and Immigrant is someone who decides to enter
What are PULL factors of migration?
reasons that cause people to ENTER a country/place
What are PUSH factors of migration?
Reasons that cause people to LEAVE a country/place
Give an example of Marine migration
answers vary
Give an example of Terrestrial Migration
answers vary
Give an example of Aerial Migration
answers vary
Define: intraregional migration
Moving within the same region of a country
Define: interregional migration
Moving from one region of the country to another region
Give an example of a secondary source
Books, journal articles, news articles - by someone who was not there
Give an example of a primary source
Varies: autobiography, journal entries, video, blog post - by someone who was there 
What is a secondary source?
An account of something by someone who WAS NOT THERE
What is a primary source?
A first-hand account of something by someone who WAS THERE
Define: International Migration
The act of moving from one country to another
Define: Internal migration
the act of moving within the same country
Define: Forced Migration
The act of leaving a place due to economic, political or environmental factors, not by choice
Define: Voluntary migration
The act of CHOOSING to leave a place
Define: Immigrant
A person who decides to live in / come into a new place permanently
Define: Emigrant
A person who decides to leave their home and migrate somewhere else