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Bullying Thursday Wrap Up

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the 2 churches you visited on Tuesday?
San Petronio and Santo Stefano
List 3 elements important for a supportive classroom
Collaboration, Membership, Respect, Listening, Empathy...
What is one special concern about cyberbullying? Why it is so difficult to deal with it?
Difficult to remove online information,More visibility and easier to spread,It can be done anonymously from anywhere...
Cyber Bullying and Traditional Bullying, list one difference.
Face to face-Anonymous, specific space and time, can happen everywhere and at any time
A higher percentage of female than of male students report being physically bullied. True or false?
True, percentages show the opposite!
Can you list some protective factors related to the school?
Looking for innovative teaching methods, listening and understanding students’ needs, adjusting expectation to students’ abilities
Can you list some risk factors related to the individual?
Individual temperament, individul appereance, social competence, presence of a disability, sexual orientation
What are the main risk factors for children to be bullied?
Individual temperament, families, school, community
Can you list 3 of the 7Ps of Bullying?
Power, Peer Pressure, Problems,
Can you list 3 roles present in a bullying situation?
Byestanders, Bully, Victim, Defenders
Can you list 3 different types of bullying?
Cyberbullying, Verbal bullying, Relational bullying
Can you list one difference between bullying and conflicts?
In a conflict there should be no imbalance of power, In a conflict neither party feels unsafe
Can you list the 3 main characteristics that define a bullying behaviour?
Imbalance of power, Ongoing and repeated, Intentional and Causing Harm