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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“Who is Justice Beaver?” Dwight asked, confused
Dwight asked, confused, who Justice Beaver was
"Did I stutter?" Stanley asked
Stanley asked if he had stuttered
"Have you lost your mind???????" Stanley asked Ryan, yelling
Stanley asked Ryan if he had lost his mind, yelling
"What's wrong with these people?" Michael wondered
Michael wondered what was wrong with those people
"Why are you the way that you are?" Michael asked Toby
Michael asked Toby why was he the wat that he was
"Why do I get the feeling that someday I'll be describing this to a psychiatrist?" Lisa wondered
Lisa wondered why did she get the feeling that someday she would be describing that to a psychiatrist
"Why do you look so serious?" the Joker asked Batman
The Joker asked Batman why did he look so serious
"Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna asked Elsa
Anna asked Elsa if she wanted to build a snowman
"Do you trust me?" Aladdin asked Jasmine
Aladdin asked Jasmin if she trusted him
"Is this your final answer?" the presenter asked the woman
The presenter asked her if that was her final answer
"The truth is out there" Mulder whispered
Mulder whispered that the truth was out there
"Everybody has problems" Merlin complained
Merlin complained that everybody had problems
"Friends don't lie" said Eleven
Eleven said that friends didn't lie
"Luke, I am your father" said Darth Vader
Darth Vader said that he was his father
"Ohana means family" Lilo said
Lilo said that Ohana meant family
"I'll be back" Terminator said
Terminator said that he would be back.
"Here is Johnny!"
He said that there was Jonnhy
"I am going to make him an offer he can't refuse" Godfather said
Godfather said that he was going to make him an offer he couldn't refuse
"I am the king of the world!" Jack shouted
Jack shouted that he was the king of the world
"Where are the turtles?" Michael asked
Michael asked where the turtles were