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At a Restaurant

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is something you can order that will QUENCH your thirst?
lemonade, sprite, coke, water, etc.
PROBLEM SOLVING! You are very hungry and it feels like your food is taking a long time to come. What can you do?
ask for some bread or crackers, play a game with others at your table, talk with people at the table
What is the extra money called that you can give to the waiter/waitress as a way to say "thank you"?
What is the paper/book you can read that tells you all of the food choices in a restaurant. 
You wanted baked potato but the waiter gave you fries. What do you say?
Sorry, but I asked for baked potato.
Tell us a polite way to ask for more ketchup. 
"Can I have more ketchup please?"
What is another word for the MAIN MEAL?
Name five different restaurants.
You go to a restaurant and want to order a cheeseburger, fries and a sprite. How can you politely ask for this?
What are the TWO names for the item you ask for at the END of the meal.  This item tells you how much money you need to pay. 
Bill or Check
You arrive at the restaurant and need a table for 4 people. What do you say?
Can I have a table for 4 people please?
What are some polite phrases we can use to order our food?
"Can I have...", "May I please have...", "I would like..."
What is your favorite restaurant?
What is another vocabulary word for 'drinks'?
When you are in a restaurant, and you want a "snack" before your main meal, you can order an ____________. 
You want to pay for your food. What do you say?
Can I have the bill/check please?
Who is the person that welcomes you at a restaurant?
host / hostess
PROBLEM SOLVING! You ordered chicken fingers but the waiteress accidentally brought you pizza. What can you say? 
"Excuse me, I ordered chicken fingers."