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Spy gadgets

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which bathroom accessory has been used as a weapon?
What was a suitcase once used as?
A radio
A laptop
A gun
A camera
Which of these items was used to hide a weapon?
A glove
A tie
A wallet
A bracelet
James Bond Wristwatches have done many things, but they have never...
...worked as a camera
...worked as a gun
...worked as a way to zap someone
...worked as a laser
How did spies read people's letters without them knowing?
They opened them using thin bars and pincers
They used special x-ray machines
They developed a robot that could do it
They re-applied the sticky substance and shut it after
How did spies use pigeons during WWII?
As a camera to capture images of the battlefield
As a way to communicate with other spies
As a weapon to target enemy soldiers
As a way to distract the enemy
What has a pencil case been used for?
A bomb
A gun
Hiding a knife
Hiding a camera
What have spies use coats for?
To hide cameras
As body armour
As a microphone
As a disguise
What were dragonflies the earliest version of?
Spy planes
Remote Planes
What has an umbrella been used for?
A way to poison targets
A way to protect yourself
As a gun
To hide a knife