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Kid's Box 3: Starter & Unit 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe Uncle Fred
He's a farmer. He's got a beard. He's got short, fair hair.
Describe Aunt May
She's a doctor. She's got glasses. She's got long, straight hair.
Describe Lock.
He's a detective. He's got a moustache. He's got short, straight hair.
Describe Mrs Star.
She's thin. She's got long, fair hair.
Describe Grandma Star.
She's old. She's got glasses. She's got short, straight hair.
Describe Stella.
She's young. She's got glasses. She's got straight, fair hair.
Describe Uncle Fred
He's a farmer. He's got a beard. He's got short, fair hair.
Describe Aunt May
She's a doctor. She's got glasses. She's got long, straight hair.
like or don't like
I like cleaning OR I don't like cleaning.
like or don't like
I like swimming OR I don't like swimming
like or don't like
I like playing basketball or I don't like playing basketball.
like or don't like
I like playing football OR I don't like playing football.
like or don't like
I like doing my homework  OR  I don't like doing my homework.
like or don't like
I like playing computer games. I don't like playing computer games.
like or don't like
I like listening to music  OR  I don't like listening to music.
like or don't like
I like watching TV  OR  I don't like watching TV
like or don't like
I like drinking milk OR I don't like drinking milk
like or don't like
I like riding a bike. I don't like riding a bike.
Who are Grandma Star's granddaughters?
Grandma Star's granddaughters are Stella and Suzy.
Who are Grandpa Star's granddaughters?
Grandpa Star's granddaughters are Stella and Suzy.
Who are Mrs Star's daughters?
Mrs Star's daughters are Stella and Suzy.
Who are Mr Star's daughters?
Mr Star's daughters are Stella and Suzy.
Who's Mrs Star's son?
Mrs Star's son is Simon.
Who's Grandma Star's grandson?
Grandma Star's grandson is Simon.
Who's Grandpa Star's grandson?
Grandpa Star's grandson is Simon.
Who's Mr Star's son?
Mr Star's son is Simon.
Who are Stella's grandparents?
Stella's grandparents are Grandma and Grandpa Star.
Who are Stella's parents?
Stella's parents are Mr and Mrs Star?
Who's Stella's uncle?
Stella's uncle is Uncle Fred.
Who's Stella's aunt?
Stella's aunt is Aunt May.
Who's Stella's sister?
Stella's sister is Suzy.
Who's Stella's brother?
Stella's brother is Simon.