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Diggory Bones 6 Unit 4: Food
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What else did the Aztecs eat?
They ate insects as well.
What did the Aztecs eat with chocolate?
They ate pepper with chocolate.
Why was corn important to the Mayas and the Aztecs?
Because it was their most important food.
Where are the secret caves?
They’re under the Pyramid of the Sun.
When will Iyam tell Diggory where the Sun Stone is?
When he finishes the job for him.
Why will Diggory have to work quickly?
They've only got enough food for three days.
What happened to Iyam?
The ground moved and he started to sink into quicksand.
Did Iyam accept to eat chocolate with pepper?
No, he didn't.
Why do you think corn was a symbol for gold?
Maize could be stored for long periods of time, and in addition to being eaten as it was, it could be ground into flour and made into other foods.
What was an important food for the Aztecs?
Does Iyam need the Sun Stone?
No, he doesn't.
Why is Iyam jumping up and down?
Because he’s angry
What’s under the pyramid?
Possible Aztec gold
How long will their food and water last?
Three days