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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #5 means?
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #4 means?
Arms at your back
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #3 means?
Arms down
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #2 means?
Arms forward
Hand signals (line formation): What does hand signal #1 means?
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #5 means?
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #4 means?
Arrange your chairs
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #3 means?
Clean up and sanitize
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #2 means?
Prayer and Greetings
Hand signals (inside the classroom): What does hand signal #1 means?
This is where our daily masses are held.
What is the name of our School Directress?
Sister Stephanie Chang
What is the name of our school Principal?
Mme. Rhodora C. Cortina
Name one librarian at school.
1. Mme. Susan Vales 2. Mme. Tess
How many founding fathers does SJS has?
The building where you can see your ates and kuyas from the Junior and Senior High School.
Limingchin Building
This is also called as the Bishop Philip Coté Building.