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Henry VIII's Six Wives

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is Mary I's Mum?
Catherine of Aragon
Who is Edward VI's Mum?
Jane Seymour
Who was Elizabeth I's Mum?
Anne Boleyn
Who founded the Anglican Church and why?
Henry VIII because he wanted to get a divorce
How many of Henry's wives were beheaded?
Which wife is Henry buried next to and why?
Jane Seymour. He claimed to love her the most, especially because she gave him his only son. 
Who was Henry VIII's sixth wife?
Catherine Parr
Who was Henry VIII's fifth wife?
Catherine Howard
Who was Henry VIII's fourth wife?
Anne of Cleves
Who was Henry VIII's third wife?
Jane Seymour
Who was Henry VIII's second wife?
Anne Boleyn
Who was Henry VIII's first wife?
Catherine of Aragon