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TOEFL Confusing Words
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I prefer to be lonely in the bathroom.
INCORRECT Confusing Words--Alone vs Lonely If you prefer it, you aren't sad about it!
They hardly work out, so they don't have hard stomachs.
CORRECT Confusing Words--Hard vs Hardly Hard is an adjective, and hardly is an adverb.
Wow! The flag is so tall!
INCORRECT Confusing Words--Tall vs High The flag is not touching the ground, the pole is.
We couldn't go to the beach because of the wind.
CORRECT Confusing Words--Because vs Because of Because of + noun
The party was cool, but afterward we went to breakfast and it was even better.
CORRECT Confusing Words--After vs Afterward We do not mention the object (the party) directly following "afterward"
Captain James Cook, in three voyages from 1778 to 1779, explored more of the Pacific than any another man before him.
INCORRECT Confusing Words--Another vs. Other vs. The Other "Any" implies plural and "Another" is always singular.
Most ravens are large, stocky, and entirely black.
CORRECT Confusing Words--Almost vs Most Most = Majority
Fog is the affect of the cooling of warm, moist air.
INCORRECT Confusing Words--Affect vs Effect Affect is an Action
Before she lived in Texas, but actually she lives in France.
INCORRECT Confusing Words--Actual vs Current Current means happening now.
The earth went through an immensely hot phase 4,600 million years ago, when it became a molten mass.
CORRECT Confusing words--Ago vs Before Ago is relative to now!
Until the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of Americans continued to do their living from agriculture.
INCORRECT Confusing words--Do vs Make Expression is "Make a living".
When the original 13 states formed, Florida was not between them.
INCORRECT Confusing words--Between vs Among Between 2 / Among 3+
Nearly 8 percent of the earth´s crust is made of aluminium.
CORRECT Confusing words--Percent vs Percentage Percent is used with a number!
Chickens start to lay eggs when they are 18 weeks age.
INCORRECT Confusing words--Age vs Old Age is a noun, and cannot modify "weeks".