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Earth Science

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where in the Earth can we find water? Can you think of 10?
Oceans, lakes, Taps, rain, Clouds, ponds, Swimming pools, Water bottles, Under ground, toilets, air....What else did you guys think of?
How is plastic bad for the environment. Came you think of 10 things?
Did you get all 10?
In 15 seconds name as many things as you can that can be recycled.
Did you get more than 10?
How do Volcanos and Earthquakes affect humans?
Do you deserve all 15 points?
What are the 3 Rs?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
There are 7 Main Resources we can get from our Earth. How many can you name?
Only give points if all 7 were said - Air, Water, Soil, Minerals, Fuels, Animals, Plants
What is the difference between Lava and Magma?
magma is molten rock that is underground and lava is molten rock that breaks through the Earth's surface
Earthquakes happen where __________ ________ meet.
Tectonic Plates
What is this?
Solar Panels
Name 3 Types of Alternative Energy Sources
Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal
What are these men standing on?
Wind Turbine
Name 3 causes of Climate Change
Deforestation, Livestock, Pollution, Transport, Using Resources
Name 3 consequences of Climate Change.
Raising Sea levels, Melting Ice Caps, Increasing Temperatures, more rain, drought etc
What is this a picture of?
What are 3 Examples of Fossil Fuels
Coal, Oil, Peat, Natural Gas
Name a Green house Gas. Can you name 3?
Water Vapour, Methane, Carbon Dioxide
Which is the odd one out? Glass, Paper or Plastic.
Trick Question. There could be lots of different answers. Do you deserve the 10 points?
Explain this
Rusting. Iron Oxide. Oxidation
How is obsidian made?
Quickly cooled lava
In 20 seconds, list how many different ways we use water.
Did you get more than 10?
Explain what happens here.
Recycling Water
What is this symbol?