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Our Environment Our Future _ Mr Gấu Hí

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How to Take Care of the Environment?
pick up your litter
How to Take Care of the Environment?
recycle waste
How to Take Care of the Environment?
don't use plastic bags
How to Take Care of the Environment?
turn off the lights and the electric devices you're not using
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Look at the picture and guess the word.
What does "Environment" mean in Vietnamese?
Môi trường
Thực vật
Động vật
Khí hậu
What does "Effect" mean in Vietnamese?
Ảnh hưởng
Hậu quả
Kết quả
Hành tinh
What does "Solution" mean in Vietnamese?
Giải pháp
Bài học
Cuộc cách mạng
Môi trường
What does "Cause" mean in Vietnamese?
nguyên nhân
hậu quả
ảnh hưởng
bởi vì
Which sentence is NOT the solution of environmental pollution?
Agricultural activities
Save energy, water
Wind power is coming into play
Do not litter and recycle waste
Which sentence is the solution of environmental pollution?
building wind turbines to harvest natural wind energy, elect
Burning of fossil fuels
Pollution from cars, trucks, and other vehicles
Agricultural activities
Which sentence is the effect of environmental pollution?
Plant and animal species at risk of extinction
we can reap power from the sun using solar panel systems
Do not litter and recycle waste
Save energy, water
Which sentence is the cause of environmental pollution?
Urbanization and industrialization
Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms
building wind turbines to harvest natural wind energy, elect
all are wrong =))
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Oil Spill
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Climate change : biến đổi khí hậu
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Deforestation - Phá rừng
What kind of pollution is this?
Soil pollution - ô nhiễm đất
What kind of pollution is this?
Air Pollution - ô nhiễm không khí
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Dirty Sewage
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Litter - Rác
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Pollution - Sự ô nhiễm
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Landforms - địa hình
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Natural Vegetation - Thảm thực vật tự nhiên
Look at the picture and guess the word.
Soil - Đất
Look at the picture and guess the word. 
Environment - Môi trường
Look at the picture and guess the word. 
Climate - Khí hậu
Look at the picture and guess the word. 
Water - nước
Look at the picture and guess the word. (-.-) thật sự dễ
Air - không khí