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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What color is the cat?
It’s orange.
What color is the orange?
It’s orange.
What color is the camera?
It’s purple.
What color is the heart?
It’s purple
What color are the flamingos?
They are pink
What color are the flowers?
They are pink.
What color is the cat?
It’s grey.
What color is the car?
It’s grey
What color is the cake?
It’s brown
What color is the bear?
It’s brown.
What color are the stars?
They are indigo.
What color is the star?
It's yellow.
What color is the crayon?
It's blue.
What color is the chair?
It's red.
What color is the backpack?
It's green.
What color is the pencil?
It's yellow.
What color is the dog?
It's white.
What color is the rabbit?
It's white.
What color is the cat?
It's black.
What color is the dog?
It's black.
What color is the balloon?
It's red.
What color is the bird?
It's red.
What color is the book?
It's green.
What color is clover?
It's green.
What color is pikachu?
It's yellow.
What color are the balloons?
It's blue.
What color are the balloons?
It's indigo.