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brain bits

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are the messages that neurons recive/carry/ send electrical or chemical? Explain
I am composed of two hemispheres and am sometimes removed in severe cases of encephalitis
What are two (of the three) types of Neuron
Sensory Motor Inter
What is an Axon Terminal?
The output of a neuron
The branches that recieve a neuron's inputs
The long thin part of the neuron that the electric impulse travels down:
The gap between neurons that a chemical message traverses
Known as a sensory relay station and is responsible for directing attention: TH___________
You're so thirsty - which part of your brain regulates thirst?
The forebrain is the largest and most highly developed part of the brain - it contains the Cerebrum T/F?
Where can you find the hindbrain?
Located at the rear base of the brain around the brain stem
Regulates sleep, arousal (alertness), helps to control breathing and some muscle movement.
Help you maintain balance when you are blindfolded and standing on one Leg
The system responsible fro bringing important sensory information to your attention (eg look at all the BMWs!)
Reticular Activating System
A network of neurons that extends from the reticular formation to different parts of the brain and spinal cord.
Reticular Activating system
I coordinate muscle movement, regulate posture and balance.