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National Symbols of Peru - Oral Test.

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who created the Peruvian flag?
Don Jose de San Martin.
What does the vicuna represent in the coat of arms for us?
It represents all the animals of our country.
What does the cornucopia represent?
It represents the minerals, gold, silver and coins in our country.
Who was the first person to sing the national anthem?
Rosa Merino.
In what year was the national anthem created?
In 1820
Which are the parts of the coat of arms of Peru?
The cornucopia, the cinchona tree and the vicuna.
Can you describe the Cinchona tree?
It is a thin tree which represents all the vegetation and fruits of our country.
What were the names of the composers of our National anthem.
Jose Bernardo Alcedo and Jose de la Torre Ugarte.
What does Machu Picchu represent for us?
It represents a national symbol.
Can you say the names of the national symbols of Peru?
The Peruvian Flag, the national anthem and the Coat of arms.
What does the red color represent in our flag?
The blood of our heroes.