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Economic Activities

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What is the name of the water that is next to the coast of Peru?
The Peruvian sea.
One characteristic of the junglesof Peru is, . . . . .
that it has many animals and vegetation.
One characteristic of the Highlands of Peru is, . . . . . .
that it has a lot of mountains.
One characteristic of the coast of Peru is . . . . . .
that it has a lot of deserts.
Peru limits at the east with, . . . . . .
Brazil and Bolivia.
Peru limits at the west with, . . . . .
The Pacific Ocean.
Peru limits at the south with, . . . .
Peru limits at the north with, . . . . .
Colombia and Ecuador.
Long ago people washed clothes by hands, now . . . . .
people use washing machines.
Long ago people cleaned with brooms, now . . . . .
people clean with vaccum cleaners.
Long ago people cooked on fire, now . . . . .
people cook on stoves.
Long ago people got water from buckets, now . . . . .
people get water from faucets.
Long ago people used candles . . . . .
now people use electric lights.
Long ago people sent someone letters, now . . . . .
people send e-mails.
Long ago people rode horses to work, now . . . .
We ride in cars.
Making a delicious Lomo Saltado
Working with emeralds!
When we make ceviche, what economic activity happened?
My father has silver bars. What economic activity is it?
When we work with guineapigs, what type of activity is it?
When we work the land, what type of economic activity is it?
What economic activities are we studying?
Farming, fishinga and mining.
How many economic activities are we studying?
Why are economic activities important?
Because they satisfy our needs?