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English Across the Bilingual Curriculum

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"When we give students a grade, the learning stops. When we give students specific feedback and an extending question, the learning goes deeper." Who said this?
James Nottingham, author of Challenging Learning through Feedback
Give an example of 'spoon feeding'.
When we do all the work/thinking for our learners and don't encourage autonomy.
True or false? Interpreting and concluding are 'lower order' thinking skills.
False. They are examples of 'higher order' thinking skills.
True or false? Memorising is a 'lower order' thinking skill.
True or false? Subject teachers are also responsible for teaching literacy.
True. Subject teachers are responsible for teaching aspects of literacy relevant to their subject.
What is the difference between evaluative and descriptive feedback?
Evaluative feedback is judgmental, descriptive feedback describes what you see/hear.
True or false? You should always give feedback at the end of a lesson.
False. You can give feedback at any time, depending on your objectives.
When we observe our learners, diagnose their needs and plan for them, this is an example of which type of assessment?
Assessment for Learning
What is a peer observation?
When one colleague observes another (and neither of them has a position of responsibility).
What is the benefit of non-directive feedback?
It's non-judgmental and doesn't assume one person knows more than the other. It's often used with peer observations.
True or false? Asking 'Did you understand that?' is a good way of checking whether learners have understood something.
False. This can be unreliable, as learners may be too shy to admit they didn’t understand. It's better to ask specific questions to check understanding.
Give an example of a closed question. How do they help our students?
A closed question gives options, giving learners a better chance to answer the question.
What is a topic web and how does it help our students learn?
Subjects are linked by a common topic/theme. Students are able to connect ideas and apply knowledge and skills to other areas of the curriculum.
Name the 6 levels of thinking skills in Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning
Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation
Cognitive conflict is ...
the discomfort one feels when his/her beliefs, values or behaviors contradict one another.
How does the 'think, pair, share' technique help our students?
It gives them thinking time, the chance to run their ideas past a classmate before answering, and therefore builds confidence.
What is a KWL chart? What do the letters stand for?
What do I KNOW? What do I WANT to know? What did I LEARN?
What are Tracey's four 'C's of motivation?
1. Choice; 2. Challenge; 3. Collaboration; 4. Context
Name these 3 effective CLIL practices C... I... A...
Coordination, Immersion, Activation
What does the acronym CLIL stand for?
Content and Language Integrated Learning