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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read minds OR see into the future?
Maybe you already know everyone's answer :O
have really smelly feet OR really bad breath?
Either way, you're still welcome in my class.
have an elephant sized cat OR a cat sized elephant
I'm more of a dog person
Take a shower that's slightly too hot OR slightly too cold
This is a decision I make every morning.
Be friends with Spiderman OR Batman
I won't tell the other.
be stronger than average OR smarter than average
Brains vs brawn
Your flight was delayed by 8 hours OR you lose your luggage
Hopefully none of these happen this summer!
Hear the good news first OR the band news first?
I'll try and remember that
Hear the good news first OR the band news first?
I'll try and remember that
Be too cold or too hot?
Did the recent weather influence you?
Be on a desert island alone OR with someone who talks ALL THE TIME.
Did you think of someone in the class?
spend the night in a luxurious hotel OR a campsite with beautiful scenery
It's almost the holidays!
Have cash OR presents for your birthday
Give me the money!
have tiny hands OR huge feet?
Live without the internet and your phone for a week OR only eat vegetables for a week
That's interesting.
eat a whole bottle of mayonnaise OR a cup of super spicy sauce
That's sick!
Speak with animals OR speak every language
C'est magnifique! / *Le woof*
Have 1 eyeball in the middle of your head OR 2 noses
Have a rewind button for your life OR a pause button for your life
I've got time for that!
Lick a dirty bin OR lick the bathroom floor
Go in the past and meet your ancestors. OR go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren