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Grammar + Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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MAKE IT PASSIVE: My teacher at university taught me a lot
TRANSLATE: борщ, гостра їжа, сирий/несирий
I _____ (fly) to Japan next week. I've bought a ticket.
What MODAL verbs do you know? Use 3 of them in sentence examples
MAKE A VERB FROM: furniture
MAKE QUESTION MORE POLITE: Did you enjoy your date with John?
MAKE QUESTION MORE POLITE: How much do you earn?
Name the question for the words in capital letters: My journey to work takes ABOUT HALF AN HOUR.
Name the question for the words in capital letters: I get to work BY CAR.
Find the mistake: This café is a good place to study because is quite quiet.
I think the / - people watch too much TV nowadays.
Tom usually goes out for a nice meal in a restaurant ____ his birthday.
If you can't sleep well ___ night, try having an early dinner.
I _____________ my iPad last weekend. I don't know where it is! (a) lost (b) missed (c) took
I _______________ to Egypt three times. (a) have been (b) went (c) been
Hopefully, an / - / the environment will be saved from any more damage.
Slava is a / an / the architect who built that cool hotel.
It's very important to eat - / a / the breakfast in the morning.
She ______ 20 years old.