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Science 4th Grade

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the magma when it comes up to the surface?
It´s called Lava
Joints are: A) The areas where bones meet. B) The areas where bones separate ?
A) The areas where bones meet.
What are the three organs that the skeleton protects?
Heart, brain and lungs
"Watching TV and eating only cookies..."This is a way to take care of our body?
No, it is not
The skeletal system is formed by...? Name the two components
Bones and joints
How are the Earthquakes measured?
Earthquakes are measured using two scales:Richter scale and Mercalli scale.
What the Hypocenter is?
It is the point of origin of these movements, and they travel quickly through the lithosphere in all directions.
The Atmosphere is made up of...?
It is a mixture of gases that surround the Earth.
The outer core is solid, frozen or liquid?
The outer core is liquid.
What the Epicenter is?
It is the point on the surface of Earth, located just above the hypocenter where the tremor or earthquake is usually felt with the greatest intensity.
"Volume is the space that a body occupies." Is it correct?
Yes, it is.
"Mass is the amount of volume that a body has." Is it correct?
No, because mass is the amount of MATTER that a body has.
Does liquid particles have constant volume? Yes or no?
Electric Force is caused by the closeness of objects with an electric charge. This statement is true or false?
It is true.
Gravitational Force is when a magnet is near certain objects it attracts them. This statement is true or false?
It is false because it is a Magnetic Force.
Which layer of the geosphere has the highest temperature? The crust, the mantle or the core?
The Core
Tectonic plates are always still or in constant movement?
They are always in constant movement.
According to the picture where someone is pushing a cart, this type of force is a contact force or a non-contact force?
It's a contact force
Can you name the three Earth's layers?
Atmosphere, Geosphere and Hydrosphere
What are the Geosphere’s layers?
Crust, Mantle and Core
What instrument we use to measure volume?
A cylinder
"In this state, particles are completely separated and can move freely. The forces that keep them joined are very weak." The previous definition belongs to: A) Solid B) Liquid C) Gas
C) Gas
What the Hydrosphere is?
The hydrosphere is all the water in our planet.
Name the three components of the Lithosphere
Oceanic crust, continental crust, and the upper part of the mantle.