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World Atlas

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you look at something with a bird's eye view, you can see . . . . A. lots of birds. B. the side of things. C. the top of things.
C. the top of things.
True or False. An atlas is fiction.
Central America is in which continent? North American Continent or South American Continent
North American Continent
True or False. We live in the southern hemisphere.
False. We live in the northern hemisphere.
The ___________ separates the eastern hemisphere from the western hemisphere. A. equator B. Prime Meridian. C. lines of longitude
B. Prime Meridian
What country's border is directly south of the U.S.?
We use a compass rose to ____________________. A. find directions on a map. B. find the distance on a map. C. find the size of places on a map.
A. find directions on a map.
True or False A map legend helps you read its code.
A chain of mountains is called _______________. A. a cliff B. high peaks C. a range
C. a range
What symbol shows where cities are located? A. a dot B. a star C. the name
A. a dot
A ____________________ tells you the distance on a map. A. compass B. scale C. map key
B. scale
To understand the features on a map, use a _____________________. A. globe B. map key C. map scale
B. map key
Map makers draw the equator on the map to _____________________________. A. divide the Earth into north and south. B. add more lines on the globe. C. divide the Earth into east and west.
A. divide the Earth into north and south.
From space you can see ________________________. A. the Earth is flat. B. all the Earth at one time. C. half the Earth at one time.
C. half the Earth at one time.
What country is north of the United States? A. Mexico B. North America C. Canada D. Arctic Circle
C. Canada