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Name Three

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 favorite games
Name 3 things on your table/desk
book pencil cup
Name 3 things in your room
table chair lamp
Name 3 things in your pencil-case
pen crayon rubber
Name 3 family members
mother sister grandfather
Name 3 animals who can climb
monkey cat bear
Name 3 animals who can jump
frog monkey kangaroo
Name 3 animals who can run
tiger lion horse
Name 3 your favorite cloths
dress skirt cap
Name 3 clothes
t-shirt shorts hat
Name 3 wild animals
fox wolf squirrel
Name 3 parts of your body
foot eye finger
Name 3 things in your school bag
pen book ruler
Name 3 foods you don't like
fish ice cream fig
Name 3 foods you like
pizza salad cheese
Name 3 friends you have
Name 3 days of the week
Wednesday Monday Sunday
Name 3 shapes
circle star heart
Name 3 zoo animals
zebra giraffe monkey
Name 3 animals that can swim
fish frog duck
Name 3 red fruits
apple cherry strawberry
Name 3 things you can drink
water juice tea
Name 3 things you can't do
fly swim climb
Name 3 things you can do
jump sing dance
Name 3 colours
red blue green
Name 3 toys
car doll teddy
Name 3 fruits
apple banana cherry