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vocabulary 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. The person evolution
2. The animal evolution
1. The animals have espéciale habitat by his characteristics
2. This habitat is calm
1. The dinosaur is fossilization
2. The cabriolet's is fossilization
1. Animals adapt to their environment
2. Person adapt to their environment
1. The dinosaur is extinct
2. The mammoths is extinct
1. In the world exist infinitive diversity of language
2. In the world exist diversity of animals
1. This forest has a calm environment
2. This meadow has a calm environment
1. That company is in development
2. This construction is under development
1. The snake mutate hi skin
2. The butterfly mutate his skin
1. I diversify my homework's
2. My parents diversify his money
1. The Pokémon evolve
2. the animals evolve
1. In the museum has fossils
2. Every animal, person ETC. did and fossil
1. The vegetarians survive of the carnivorous
2. Some animals survive of the depredator
1. The dinosaur are fossilize
2. The mamuts are fossilize
1. In the world exis infinity variety of animals
2. In the world exist variety of Languages
1. This person develop a page web
2. This person develop a robot
1. The animals survival in his habita
2. Every person survival in the world
1. The animals adaptation to the environment
2. The person adaptation to the environment
1. This dog is natural
2. This tree is natural
1. In the world exist variation of animals
2. In the world exist variation of language