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Vocabulary 4 unit 3
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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crossing guard: an auxiliary police officer, community volunteer, etc., who directs traffic and assists children in crossing a street near a school.
noun: I heard you were a crossing guard at Cañon City.
chef: the chief cook, especially in a restaurant or hotel, usually responsible for planning menus, ordering foodstuffs, overseeing food preparation, and supervising the kitchen staff.
noun: The kitchen is overseen by a professional chef, but the food is prepared and served by students.
veterinarian: a person who practices veterinary medicine or surgery.
noun: Being a veterinarian is my lifelong dream.
mail carrier: a person, usually employed by the post office, who delivers mail.
noun: There are many mail carriers in this city.
farmer: a person who farms; person who operates a farm or cultivates land.
noun: The farmer replies, "You can't get there from here."
cashier: an employee, as in a market or department store, who collects payments for customer purchases.
noun: There is no bar code for the cashier to scan.
doctor: a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.
noun: The doctor says he is better.
teacher: a person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession; instructor.
noun: As a teacher Jesus gave his own services freely.
layer: A single thickness, coat, fold, or stratum.
noun: Although a thick layer of clouds hid the sun, the air wasn't any cooler.
repairman: a person whose occupation is the making of repairs, readjustments, etc.
noun: This section gives free comprehensive washing machine reviews by an experienced repairman.
plumber: a person who installs and repairs piping, fixtures, appliances, and appurtenances in connection with the water supply, drainage systems, etc.
noun: A plumber named Otto Gruber out in Archbald listed it.
painter: an artist who paints pictures.
noun: His success at this period as a painter was considerable.
optician: a person who makes or sells eyeglasses and, usually, contact lenses, for remedying defects of vision in accordance with the prescriptions of ophthalmologists and optometrists.
noun: The optician will be able to assist you here.
mechanic: a person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc.
noun: The California School of Mechanic Arts was endowed by James Lick with $540,000.
mayor: the chief executive official, usually elected, of a city, village, or town.
noun: I'm mayor now, until we get around to having an election.
lifeguard: an expert swimmer employed, as at a beach or pool, to protect bathers from drowning or other accidents and dangers.
noun: Remember that the lifeguard patrol will normally be your quickest means of access to other emergency services.
garbage collector: a person who recollect garbage
noun: The garbage collector came yesterday
emergency medical technician: a person who is specially trained and certified to give emergency medical care to patients before they reach a healthcare facility. Abbreviation: EMT
noun: I spent the day at the medical facility with the emergency medical technician
electrician: a person who installs, operates, maintains, or repairs electric devices or electrical wiring.
noun: A properly qualified electrician may be able to advise you about linking smoke alarms.
dentist: a person whose profession is dentistry.
noun: The word "dentist" has the denotation "man or woman who fixes teeth."