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Vocabulary 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-Fossilization of the animals
2.-Past animals now we fossilization
1.-The creators we develop things
2.-Develop new things
1.-Adapt to new things is necesary
2.-Adapt to the things around of you
1.-The persons have a good deveplonment
2.-We are fast to deveplonment
1.-We have to make some of divesify
2.-Diversify are good
1.-Exist many diversity in the world
2.-In the past the diversity isnt we are so fine
1.-In the past the world we have a good environment
Now the environment isnt we are so good
1.-The humans evolution so much
2.-The animals also evolution
1.-Fossil of animals died many time ago
2.-fossil of strange animals
1.-Dinosaours extinct a lot of time
2.-Many things extinct around the time
1.-Dinosaours with the time fossilize
2.-Humans find fossilize
1.-Survive to
1.-Animals have a beauty habitat to live
2.-Humans destroy animals habitat
1.-The scientist can mutate animals
2.-mutate animals look scary
1.-A survival of a fire
2.-I look a movie of a survival
1.-I have a variety of fruits on my table
2.-I eat a variety of things around the day
1.-The animals adaptation is important
2.-The humans, animals and things alive have adaptation to diferents things
1.-I love nature
2.-The nature is glorious
1.-I have a variation of colors in my room.
2.-That rabbit look like a variation of 2 species