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ESL Monday/Tuesday recap - Susi

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the name of the activity where you had to actively listen to your partner?
Can you hear me?
What tipes of questions can you ask on socrative?
True-False, Opne Questions, Multiple Choice
To use Socrative you have to pay, true or false?
How can you actively listen? Make an example
Request clarifications, Make questions, Paraphrase, Be aware of feelings
Explain the difference between Active and Passive listening
Passive: ineffective listening, in which you do not pay attention to what the speaker wants to communicate - It is a type of careful listening, in which listeni
What does it mean to be self aware?
Ability be aware of my own emotions as they are happening
Which is the meaning of the acronim SMART?
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bounded
List at least 2 responses which are not empathic
Advising, One-upping, Consoling, Story-Telling, Sympathizing, Interrogating, Explaining, Fixing
List one of the 4 elements of Empathy
See the world, Appreciate them as human beings, Understanding feelings, Communicate understanding
Which are the 5 Pillars of Socio Emotional Learning by Goleman?
Self Awareness, Self-Control, Self-Motivation, Empathy, Social Skills
What does SEL stands for?
Socio Emotional Learning
Which are the 3 Measures and Policies for tackling ESL?
Prevention, Intervention, Compensation
List at least 5 consequences of ESL
Unemployment, Poverty, Lack of participation in the society, Criminal activity
What are the 4 main categories that we saw on Monday that can lead to Early School Leaving?
Family, School, Social Background, Individual factors
Until what age is school mandatory in Cyprus?
Until the age of 15
Until what age is school mandatory in Bulgaria?
Until the age of 16
What is the meaning of the acronim ELET?
Early Leaving from Education and Training